Solventless vs. Standard Edibles: What's the Difference?

Edibles are a popular way to consume cannabis, and for good reason. They're discreet, easy to dose, and can offer a long-lasting high. But with so many different types of edibles on the market, it can be tough to know which ones are right for you.

Here, we discuss the distinction between edibles made with solventless or standard extracts.

What are solventless edibles?

Solventless edibles are made using cannabis extracts that have been created without the use of any solvents. There are different methods, such as rosin pressing, ice water extraction, and kief collection.

Solventless extracts are generally considered to be the purest and most flavorful type of cannabis extract available. They also contain a wider range of cannabinoids and terpenes than standard extracts, which can lead to a more complex and well-rounded high.

What are standard edibles?

Standard edibles are made using cannabis extracts that have been created using a variety of different solvents. The most common solvents used to make cannabis extracts are butane, ethanol, and CO2.

Standard extracts are generally less expensive and easier to produce than solventless extracts. However, they may also contain trace amounts of solvents and other impurities. Standard extracts also tend to have a narrower range of beneficial cannabinoids and terpenes than solventless extracts.

What are the benefits of solventless edibles?

There are a number of potential benefits to choosing Rebel Edible solventless edibles over standard edibles. These include:

  • Purity: Solventless edibles are generally considered to be the purest type of cannabis edible available. This is because they're made without the use of any solvents, which can leave behind trace amounts of chemicals and impurities.
  • Flavor: Solventless edibles tend to have a more complex and flavorful profile than standard edibles. This is because they contain a wider range of terpenes, which are the compounds responsible for the unique aroma and flavor of cannabis flowers.
  • Effects: Solventless edibles may offer a more complex and well-rounded high than standard edibles. This is because they contain a wider range of cannabinoids, which can work together to produce a variety of different effects.

Which type of edible is right for you?

Ultimately, the best way to decide which type of edible is right for you is to experiment and see what works best for you. If you're looking for the purest and most flavorful edibles available, then solventless edibles are a good option. If you're on a budget or looking for a more potent edible, then standard edibles may be a better choice.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind when choosing between solventless and standard edibles:

  • Your budget: Solventless edibles are generally more expensive than standard edibles because the process is time-consuming and more costly.
  • Your preferences: If you're looking for the purest and most flavorful edibles available, then solventless edibles are a good choice.


There are a number of different factors to consider when choosing between solventless and standard edibles. It's important to weigh the pros and cons of each type of edible before making a decision. Ultimately, the best way to decide which type of edible is right for you is to experiment and see what works best for you.

"Solventless edibles are the future of cannabis edibles." - Kelly, our co-founder
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